The center / About MECAM / Directors
Prof. Dr. Saoussen Krichen
Vice Director
Saoussen Krichen is a Professor in quantitative methods and computer science at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion de Tunis, University of Tunis. She is a member of the Operational Research, Decision and Process Control Laboratory (LARODEC) and a member of the executive board of MECAM. Saoussen Krichen is a specialist in game theory, optimisation, supply chain management and artificial intelligence. She has held the position of Director of the Doctoral School in Management Sciences at the University of Tunis (2016-2018). She was also vice-president in charge of scientific research and international cooperation at the University of Tunis (2017-2020). She has intervened as an expert in supply chain management, artificial intelligence and digitalisation at national and international level.