MECAM Working Formats in its preliminary phase (2020- 2023)

Scientific Research
MECAM implements various formats in the field of scientific research and promotion of young scientists as well as in the field of knowledge transfer and scientific mediation.
Interdisciplinary Fellow Groups (IFGs)
Each IFG consists of at least five researchers who are at different stages of their academic careers and have diverse disciplinary and geographic backgrounds. The researchers will experience academic exchanges at the MECAM site in Tunis during their four-month research stays. The results of their research will then be compiled in a joint working paper.

Rencontres Ibn Khaldun
Public events which are named „Rencontres Ibn Khaldun” will be regularly organized in MECAM’s premises in Tunis. The objective of these events is to make the work of the research center accessible to a wider and non-academic audience. Through Rencontres Ibn Khaldun, MECAM creates a platform for dialogue, where the results of scientific research can be critically discussed and placed into perspective with political, cultural and civil society actors.
Traveling Academy
The Traveling Academy reflects the transregional and dynamic dimension of the center. Researchers from the Maghreb, Europe and the rest of the world participate in MECAM’s Traveling Academies. The Traveling Academies are organized in different countries of the region, in various contexts and seek to engage in different research traditions.

Young Talent Promotion
With its Young Talent Promotion, MECAM aims to include the participation of doctoral and post-doctoral students in interdisciplinary research groups and the organization of academic workshops and summer schools for doctoral students.