During the main funding phase, the Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM)  will invite up to six promising postdoc fellows for up to three years of which a maximum of three will be present at MECAM at the same time. MECAM intends to preferentially appoint scholars from the Maghreb for these postdoc fellow positions to build up potential members of MECAM’s future academic leadership.


Dr. Massensen Cherbi

(Université Le Havre, France)

Penser l’avenir du Hirak. Entre transition démocratique et justice transitionnelle : imaginer une Algérie plurielle et respectueuse du rule of law


Dr. Max Ajl

(Department of Conflict and Development Studies, Ghent University, Belgium; Observatory for Food Sovereignty and the Environment, Tunis, Tunisia)

Development Alternatives from North Africa: Big Plans and Small Farms in the Search for Sustainability


Dr. Cyrine Kortas

(The University of Gabes, Tunisia)

The Politics and Poetics of the New Man’s Body Image in the Modernist Novel: A Sufi Comparative Study of D. H. Lawrence’s Women in Love,  Mohamed Khaldi’s Awted, and Abdallah Laroui’s Awaraq

Please find all fellows of one academic year in our brochure « Program and All Fellows » that you can download here.
