MECAM Papers 

The Series

The MECAM Papers series offers concise and well-founded analyses of the social, cultural, and political realities of the contemporary Maghreb, covering the period since approximately 2011. The MECAM Papers are an online series inspired by the MECAM’s guiding theme: namely, seeking to explore the link between multidimensional disparities and the possibilities for constructing and negotiating future models of society in today’s Maghreb. Interdisciplinary, cross-regional, and intergenerational, MECAM’s research revolves around a central topic: “Imagining Futures – Dealing with Disparities.

The MECAM Papers series reaches out to a broader, interested audience, besides academia including the media, artists, the business community, as well as decision-makers, political foundations, and NGOs. This allows authors to share their research with a more diverse audience beyond expert circles and to exchange ideas with different segments of society. Each MECAM Paper is published Open Access in English, French, and Arabic to achieve a broader reach, not least in the Global South. The current editor of the MECAM Papers is Dr Maria Josua (, the MECAM publication manager at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg.

All MECAM papers are assigned unique DOIs and are stored at the MENAdoc repository of the University and State Library Saxony-Anhalt in Halle (Saale), Germany, which secures long-term availability. They can also be downloaded from the MECAM website (see below) as well as the GIGA website.


The Authors

MECAM Papers’ authors come from the Centre’s network, i.e. from among former and current members of the MECAM bodies and consortium partner institutions, short- and long-term fellows, principal investigators, staff in Tunisia and Germany, associated scholars and projects, as well as invited speakers for the various activity formats. If appropriate, external authors will be invited to contribute to the series, too. Please send your suggestions to the MECAM Papers editor. They should include a brief abstract with the guiding questions as well as a short bio. If you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact the editor or the MECAM office. The detailed author guidelines for the MECAM Paper series can be found here.

MECAM Paper No 1
MECAM Paper No 2
  • Pepe, Teresa und تيريسا بيبه. 2022. أزمة المناخ في أدب „الديستوبيا“ العربي المعاصر. Hg. von Universitäts- Und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Martin-Luther Universität, Thomas Richter, und Merian Centre for Advanced Study in the Maghreb (MECAM), Tunis. Übers. von Amel Guizani (September): 1 Online-Ressource. (zugegriffen: 8. November 2022).
MECAM Paper No 3
MECAM Paper No 4
MECAM Paper No 5
MECAM Paper No 6
MECAM Paper No 7
MECAM Paper No 8
MECAM Paper No 9
MECAM Paper No 10
MECAM Paper No 11
  • Virgili, Tommaso und فيرجيلي توماسو. 2025. Ḥuqūq Muǧtamaʿ al-Mīm wa-ḥurrīyat aḍ-ḍamīr fī Tūnis : mā baina ’l-qawāʿid al-islāmīya wa-’l-ḥuqūq al-fardīya. MECAM papers 11.
  • Virgili, Tommaso. 2025. LGBT rights and freedom of conscience in Tunisia, between Islamic norms and individual rights. MECAM papers 11.
  • Virgili, Tommaso. 2025. Droits des LGBT et liberté de conscience en Tunisie : entre normes Islamiques et droits individuels. MECAM papers 11.
MECAM Paper No 12