Andreas Thiel: Challenges of Coordination in Tunisian Soil Governance Lisa M. Sarida Lippert: Navigating Scarcity: The Everyday in Arid Lands
MECAM Spectrum Series
IFG IV: Resources & Sustainability In cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation (HBS), Tunis Office
Challenges of Coordination in Tunisian Soil Governance
Prof. Andreas Thiel (International Agricultural Policy and Environmental Governance, University of Kassel // Fellow, IFG IV, MECAM)
Navigating Scarcity: The Everyday in Arid Lands
Lisa M. Sarida Lippert (Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Centre for Science and Peace Research, University of Hamburg // Fellow, IFG IV, MECAM)
Date: Wednesday, 8 June 2022, 16:00-18:00 (Tunis Time)
Introduction: Fabian Heppe (Alternative Economy & Migration program coordinator, HBS Tunis) and Dr. Steffen Wippel (Philipps Universität Marburg // Coordinator, IFG IV, MECAM)
Discussants: : Prof. Rachid Ouaissa (Philipps Universität Marburg // Director, MECAM) and Nidhal Attia (Sustainable Development & Environmental Policies program coordinator, HBS Tunis)
Moderator: Dr. Marouen Taleb (Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, Tunis)
The talks will be held in English with the discussion in English and French at Heinrich Böll Foundation, 5, Rue Jamel Abdennasser, 1000 Tunis, 4th floor. Due to the limited number of places, please register with Emna Fourati (Emna.Fourati@tn.boell.org) before 6 June 2022, or follow Online via zoom:
Zoom Link: click here