Project: Analyse des caractéristiques du régime d’accumulation rentier et les voies de son dépassement
Dr. Mourad Ouchichi
(Abderrahmane Mira University of Bejaia/ Algeria)
Mourad OUCHICHI was born on 07/10/1975 in Ath Laaziz in the Wilaya of Bouira in Algeria. Doctor in political science, graduate of IEP Lyon II. Currently a teacher-researcher at the University of Bejaia. His research focuses on the issue of rent and the nature of institutions in relation to the development of extractive countries. His main focus is on comparative studies between Algeria and the extractive countries of Latin America.

Project Resources & Sustainability
Questioning the possibility of building an economic model that ensures sustainable development, balanced growth that respects environmental requirements and a reduction in social and regional disparities, calls for an in-depth analysis of the existing model.
In rentier and extractivist countries such as Algeria, the formation of social classes is not a function of their place in the production process, but of their proximity to the political power that monopolises and controls the distribution of rents.
Faced with this situation, “imagining the future” for these countries presupposes a reflection on the structural reforms needed to overcome this rentier and extractivist model, which is the ultimate source of social inequalities and regional disparities at the root of multidimensional frustrations producing incessant and recurrent physical and symbolic violence.
The research project we are planning revolves around two issues that we have formulated in the form of questions: What are the different aspects of the Algerian political and economic model and its impact on the evolution of the country’s social structure? And what type of reforms should be envisaged in order to move beyond the rentier model of accumulation towards a transition to a productive economy?