Coordinator and Cluster PIs
Dr. Felix Lang
(Postdoc, Philipps-Universität Marburg/Germany)
Felix Lang specialises in the Cultural Sociology of the Middle East and North Africa, with a focus on Lebanon and Syria. In 2014 he completed a PhD in Arabic Literature and Culture at the University of Marburg. His main research interests lie with theoretical and methodological approaches to spaces of cultural production and knowledge production (in particular Bourdieu’s concept of the field and Actor-Network Theory), practice theory, modern Arabic Literature, trauma and memory studies, as well as music and food studies. Between 2014 and 2020 he was the coordinator of the research group Figures of Thought|Turning Points at the department of Arabic Studies at the University of Marburg.
His publications include the monograph The Lebanese Post-Civil War Novel: Memory, Trauma, and Capital (Palgrave 2016), the edited volume Culture and Crisis in the Arab World: Production and Practice in Conflict (with Richard Jacquemond,Tauris 2019), “Bourdieu, Latour and Rasha Abbas. The Uses of Actor-Network Theory for Studying the Field(s) of Cultural Production in the Middle East and North Africa“ (in Cultural Sociology, 13(4) 2019).
Currently, he is working on a project on socio-cultural knowledge in food systems in the Middle East which aims to integrate the analysis of ‘high’ cultural representations of food in the arts and literature in a wider conceptual framework for the analysis of food production and consumption.

Cluster PIs
Prof. Olaf Müller (Professor, French and Italian Literature and Culture, Marburg/Germany)
Prof. Malte Hagener (Professor, Media and Film Studies, Marburg/Germany)
Prof. Fiederike Pannewick (Professor, Arabic Literature and Culture, Marburg/Germany)
Prof. Samia Kassab-Charfi (Professor, French and Francophone Literatures, Tunis/Germany)