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Extractivism Annual International Conference 2022 “Raw Materials, the Global South and Development in the 21st Century: mobilizing rents, grasping extractivist societies.” – MECAM

Extractivism Annual International Conference 2022 “Raw Materials, the Global South and Development in the 21st Century: mobilizing rents, grasping extractivist societies.”

With the participation of MECAM director Prof. Rachid Ouaissa the collaborative research project Extractivism.de organizes its first Annual International Conference from the 12th to the 14th of October, 2022, in Kassel, Germany. The conference’s theme is “Raw Materials, the Global South and Development in the 21st Century: mobilizing rents, grasping extractivist societies.”. This year’s conference aims to reconceptualize the theoretical relationship between extractivism and rents, stimulating deeper analyses concerning the particular and nuanced types of rent-led development trajectories. It wants to explore how and in what ways societies specializing in extracting and exporting raw materials reproduce themselves primarily through the revenues obtained by selling them to the global market. It also seeks to bring together ideas from different disciplinary fields in which rents and extractivism have major relevance, broadening the space for dialogue between Political Economy, Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology, International Relations, and Cultural Studies.

You can download the program here


Oct 12 - 14 2022


8h00 - 18h00

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