Fourth lesson of the Hichem Djaït Chair: Histories and Cultures of Islam entitled “Muslim Law and the Historical Evolution of Shari’a in Islam (VIII-XVI centuries)”
For the launch of the “Hichem Djaït Chair: Histories and Cultures of Islam” within the University of Tunis – inaugurated in March 2022 in homage to the great Tunisian Islamologist and historian – the University of Tunis in partnership with the Institute of Research on the Contemporary Maghreb (IRMC), the National Library of Tunisia and the MECAM, has decided to start a cycle of conferences dedicated to him. Within this framework, starting in November, a professor of international renown will be invited each month to give a lecture related to the thematic field of Hichem Djaït’s research.
Prof. Dr. Christian Müller (Director of Research HdR (CNRS) at the Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes, Director of the Arabic Section) will be invited on Friday, February 24, 2023 at 3:30 p.m. at the National Library of Tunis for the fourth lesson of the Hichem Djaït Chair: Histories and Cultures of Islam entitled “Muslim Law and the Historical Evolution of Shari’a in Islam (VIII-XVI centuries)”
Other internationally renowned scientists will be invited to Tunis in the following months – among them:
John Tolan (Professor of History Member of the Academia Europæa Member of the Institut d’Etudes Avancées de Nantes Director of the ERC project “The European Qur’an (EuQu)”/France)
François Déroche (Statutory Chair Professor at the Collège de France/Paris, France)
MECAM is supporting this series of events with funds from its partner institution, the Philipps-Universität Marburg.