The Mediterranean of Modernity: Global and Regional Perspectives
Between October 4 and 6 2022, the workshop “The Mediterranean of Modernity: Global and Regional Perspectives” takes place at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Berlin.
Mediterranean studies are en vogue and historical research on the Mediterranean
of the 19th and first half of the 20th century are well developed. However, modern history research focusses sub-, trans- and non-Mediterranean frameworks. The workshop thus aims at contributing to a more comprehensive view by revisiting the genealogy of Mediterraneanism, discussing the placement of modern Mediterranean in the area of world history comparing the approaches of Mediterranean studies with the ones of neighboring and connected areas and seas as well as reflecting on the question of how the modern Mediterranean can be written. Regarding the research methods, workshop analyses the intersection between Mediterranean and Global History with regard to the modern age.
MECAM director Khaled Kchir presents our institution during the workshop in Berlin. In the framework of a roundtable, he discusses “The Modern Mediterranean in Global History” together with Manuel Borutta, Ulrike Freitag, Ilham Khuri-Makdisi and Nora Lafi. Georges Khalil is the moderator.