Wissem Ajili : Les agences de notation extra-financière : Un acteur incontournable de la finance durable et de l’investissement socialement responsable ?
In the last two decades, non-financial rating agencies have become a major player in sustainable finance, particularly in developed countries. In a framework of asymmetric information, and under the hypothesis of limited rationality on the part of economic agents, extra-financial rating agencies constitute an indispensable incentive mechanism. Thus, stakeholders, such as financial institutions, investors, asset managers, companies, shareholders, and managers, are encouraged to disclose private and socially relevant information for the identification of sustainable financial actors and products and to promote socially responsible investment.
In developing countries such as Tunisia, extra-financial rating activity remains marginal or even non-existent. Extra-financial rating could constitute leverage for sustainable finance for both private and public actors and an opportunity to position themselves in a segment promoting the market of extra-financial data production.
Date: Wednesday, 15 June 2022, 16:00-17:30 (Tunis time) // 17:00-18:30 (CEST)
Dr. Wissem Ajili Ben Youssef (ESLSCA Paris Business School)
Discussants: Dr. Nadia Mansour (Faculté d’économie et de gestion, Université de Sousse // Universidad de Salamanca // Boursière, IFG IV, MECAM)
Moderator: Dr Steffen Wippel (Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Philipps Universität Marburg // Coordinateur, IFG IV, MECAM)
The conference will be held in French with the discussion in English and French. It will take place at the MECAM premises, c/o ISEAHT, 27, rue Florian – Borj Zouara (Bab Saadoun), Tunis, as well as Online via zoom:
Link zoom: click here
Meeting-ID: 892 2337 2757
Kenncode: 614387
Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, the lecture by Prof. Amirah El-Haddad, “The New Social Contract in North Africa”, announced for the Spring Talks series on Thursday, 2 June 2022, has to be cancelled and will be moved to 10 November 2022, 4 pm (as a pure online presentation).