IFG I « Aesthetics & Cultural Practice »
The IFG seeks to address and redress entanglements and disparities, and to consider the profound influence that societal changes have exerted on aesthetics and cultural practices (and vice-versa). It is the main goal to investigate how aesthetic representations of disparity and entanglement are narrated, visualized, and performed in order to present the futures on offer to their respective societies.
Research Agenda and Work Programme
After the first meetings, memory, the relation of fiction and non-fiction in different art forms and migration appear as the overarching thematic fields which connect the group’s projects. Within the wider framework of Imagining Futures – Dealing with Disparities these shared themes will provide the basis for the IFG’s work in the coming months.
The work programme, formats for activities and types of publications have been /are being developed in collaboration between the IFG’s fellows, the group’s coordinator and the Cluster PIs.
The IFG’s work programme is roughly divided in three phases:
- Phase 1 (May, June): Finding common ground (project Presentations and text discussions)
- Phase 2 (July, August): Collaborative research and writing (Blog posts and working papers, see below)
- Phase 3 (after the end of the fellowship phase): Publication
- Text discussions, internal presentation of IFG members’ projects (weekly)
- Summer Talks: Lecture (public) and seminar (IFG) by scholars relevant for the IFG’s research project (monthly)
- Film screening followed by a discussion with the film’s director(s) (July and August)
- MECAM Spectrum: Public presentations of fellows’ projects
- Presentations of individual fellows’ projects at Marburg University (for students and staff)
- Workshop (after the end of the fellowship phase)