IFG III « Memory & Justice »
This IFG explores how discourses on, as well as practices of, memory and justice are narrated and performed with a view to the future of post-conflict societies in the Maghreb region and the Middle East.
Research Agenda and Work Programme
Following initial meetings with the fellows and PIs, memory and media, the use of narratives, victimhood, and justice during transitions have been identified as some of the common threads connecting the research of the fellows. These common themes, under the overall umbrella of “Imagining Futures / Dealing with Disparities”, guide the work of the IFG.
The IFG’s work programme is roughly divided in three phases:
- Phase 1 (October / November): Finding common ground (internal project presentations and text discussions)
- Phase 2 (December / January): Collaborative research and writing (events, external project presentations)
- Phase 3 (after the end of the fellowship phase): Publications
- Text discussions & internal presentation of IFG members’ projects (weekly). Winter Talks: Public lectures and closed seminars by scholars relevant for the IFG’s research project (Phase II)
- MECAM Spectrum: public presentations of fellows’ projects (Phase II). Film/documentary screenings followed by a discussion – open to guests (Phase II)
- Workshop (after the end of the fellowship phase)