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JOB: Offre d’emploi : Bureau de liaison de la Philipps-Universität Marburg à Tunis

Le Goethe-Institut Tunis et la Philipps-Universität Marburg recherchent :

Un(e) collaborateur(trice) pour le bureau de liaison de la Philipps-Universität Marburg à Tunis


Description of the mission :

Pour un poste à temps plein (40 heures par semaine), dans un premier temps pour une durée d’un an avec possibilité de prolongation à partir du 01.11.2024.:

Le Goethe-Institut e.V. est l’institut culturel de la République fédérale d’Allemagne qui est actif dans le monde entier. Il favorise la connaissance de la langue allemande à l’étranger et entretient la coopération culturelle internationale. Le Goethe-Institut transmet une image globale de l’Allemagne en fournissant des informations sur la vie culturelle, sociale et politique en Allemagne.

Le Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) est un centre de recherche interdisciplinaire basé à Tunis. Le MECAM promeut l’internationalisation de la recherche et des échanges universitaires dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales entre l’Allemagne et les pays du Maghreb. Le MECAM est un projet commun d’un consortium d’institutions de recherche tunisiennes et allemandes renommées. En outre, le MECAM est financé par le ministère fédéral allemand de l’éducation et de la recherche (BMBF).

La Philipps-Universität Marburg est une université de longue histoire située au centre de l’Allemagne. Fondée en 1527, elle propose aujourd’hui à ses 22.000 étudiants un enseignement d’excellence dans un large éventail de disciplines réparties dans 16 départements. La recherche à Marbourg est axée sur des thématiques d’avenir ayant une grande importance pour la société.

La Philipps-Universität est une université active au niveau international et fortement réseautée. Dans le cadre du processus dynamique d’internationalisation, l’université poursuit l’objectif de renforcer et de promouvoir les conditions-clefs d’une réflexion et d’une action internationales dans les principaux champs d’action universitaires que sont la recherche, les études et l’enseignement ainsi que l’administration. Les objectifs sont de continuer à développer la qualité de la recherche et de l’enseignement par des mesures orientées vers l’international, de rendre visible l’employabilité internationale des diplômés ainsi que les performances de l’Université Philipps au niveau international et d’augmenter ainsi sa compétitivité dans le contexte international et national.

Le bureau de liaison est le contact direct pour les chercheurs, les étudiants et les alumni de l’Université Philipps qui s’intéressent à la région MENA, qui souhaitent initier des coopérations ou qui ont besoin de soutien pour des projets en cours. Pour les partenaires et les personnes concernées de la région qui s’intéressent aux offres de la Philipps-Universität, le bureau de liaison sert également de première adresse de contact et de liaison avec Marburg. Le lieu de service est le Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) à l’Université de Tunis.

À propos de l’offre d’emploi/ Les tâches principales :

  • Personne de contact pour les échanges avec les institutions tunisiennes (entre autres universités, instituts de recherche, institutions culturelles, organisations, entreprises), mise en place et développement du réseau de partenaires de l’université Philipps de Marburg dans la région ;
  • Encadrement et conseil des chercheurs, des candidats aux études, des étudiants et des alumni de l’Université Philipps sur place, soutien organisationnel avant et pendant le séjour en Tunisie ;
  • Interlocuteur/trice pour tout ce qui concerne les stages à l’étranger, les semestres à l’étranger et les stages pratiques des étudiants de la Philipps-Universität Marburg en Tunisie ;
  • Planification de voyages de délégations dans la région et soutien et accompagnement sur place ;
  • Soutien dans le cadre du Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) par des activités variées dans la gestion de projets et d’événements.

Compétences et qualifications requises et obligatoires :

  • Diplôme universitaire : Maitrise ou Master ou plus (de préférence en sciences sociales et humaines)
  • Expérience professionnelle d’au moins 3 ans
  • Une bonne connaissance du système universitaire allemand et des structures d’études et de promotion en Allemagne
  • Compétences et qualifications souhaitées :
  • Expérience pertinente dans la gestion de projets, l’organisation d’événements et les relations publiques.
  • Bonne connaissance des outils bureautiques courants (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
  • Une excellente compétence en communication ainsi qu’une très bonne connaissance de l’anglais et du français à l’oral et à l’écrit (au moins B2), la connaissance de l’arabe et de l’allemand est un atout.

La rémunération est basée sur la grille salariale du Goethe-Institut Tunis.
Le poste est initialement limité à une durée d’un an avec une période d’essai de 6 mois et une possibilité de prolongation.

Le lieu de travail est le Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) sur le campus de l’Institut Supérieur d’ingénierie numérique (HIDE) de l’Université de Tunis.
Pour toute question ou information supplémentaire, veuillez vous adresser à la directrice du département des affaires internationales et des services familiaux de l’Université Philipps, Mme Petra Kienle, kienle@uni-marburg.de.

Candidatures :
Pour postuler, veuillez envoyer votre dossier de candidature complet en allemand ou en anglais (lettre de motivation, CV, diplômes) jusqu’au 30.09.2024 dans un seul fichier PDF à : kienle@uni-marburg.de

JOB: Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Marburg as part of the Extractivism.de project


Description of the mission:

The Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Department of Middle Eastern Politics, is calling for applications, subject to funding approval, for a full-time position financed by third-party funds is available from 1 October 2024 until 30 September 2027, provided that no previous qualification periods are to be credited, as a Postdoctoral researcher to be filled. The position will be graded according to pay group 13 of the collective labour agreement of the State of Hesse.

The externally funded project “Extractivism in Latin America and the Maghreb” is a BMBF-funded research network of the Universities of Marburg and Kassel and deals with the geopolitical implications of raw materials and the global energy transition on the societies of the Maghreb as well as the raw materials policy and strategy of Germany and the EU.

Primary Responsibilities: 

  • Scientific collaboration in the above-mentioned research project on the topic of German and European raw materials policy
  • Intensive involvement in the conception and organisation of workshops, colloquia and conferences
  • Supervision of the Fellowship Programme
  • Participation in transdisciplinary theory forums within the framework of the research network, the BMBF-Merian Centre MECAM and the CNMS
  • Within the scope of the tasks assigned, the candidate will have the opportunity to carry out independent scientific work, which will serve their own scientific qualification. The time limit is based on § 2, 1 WissZeitVG.


  • Completed academic university degree (Diplomas, Master’s or comparable) as well as an above-average doctorate in political science or a related social science discipline
  • very good active knowledge of German, French and English
  • Ability to work in a team and presence in Marburg
  • Interest in German and European raw materials policy is an advantage

For further details : For More Information

Starting  Date: October 1, 2024

Application Deadline: August 25, 2024

Pay grade: E 13 TV-H

Time limit: 30.09.2027

Scope: Full-time

Contract Duration: Until September 30, 2027 (subject to prior qualification periods)


JOB: Academic Coordinator for Research Data Management (f/m/d) for the project MECAM

For its Berlin office and starting at the earliest possible date, the Forum is looking for an Academic Coordinator for Research Data Management (f/m/d) for the project Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) (50% part time, TV-L E13, fixed term contract for 2 years, an extension is aspired).

Description de la mission:

The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) was established at the Université de Tunis/Tunisia to strengthen cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences in and across the Maghreb, the Middle East, and Europe. The overall theme “Imagining Futures: Dealing with Disparity” guides MECAM’s research agenda on questions of Aesthetics & Cultural Practice, Inequality & Mobility, Memory & Justice, Resources & Sustainability, and Identities & Beliefs. The Forum Transregionale Studien is responsible for collaborative work formats, infrastructures, transregional networks and science communication. It facilitates forms of joint academic work, transfer processes, disseminates research positions and results, and provides transregional networking opportunities for MECAM. More information can be accessed here.

As Academic Coordinator for Research Data Management, you will be responsible for MECAM’s research data management. This includes the following tasks in particular:

  • Continuous development of MECAM’s research data management (RDM) and research data infrastructure (RDI);
  • Conception and implementation of workshops for an academic exchange on RDM and RDI in transregional contexts, as well as for the dissemination of RDM competences in the Humanities and Social Sciences;
  • Writing up the approaches and results in blog posts, publications, reports and presentation at academic events;
  • Maintenance and , if necessary, further development of the project’s digital research infrastructures, incl. collaborative tools and the application and evaluation platform;
  • Implementation of calls for fellowships and events on the application and evaluation platform, incl. answering inquiries;
  • Advising MECAM members on aspects of RDM and RDI;
  • Networking MECAM in the field of RDM and RDI; e.g. with research data centers, repositories, specialized information services, the NFDO consortia and comparable international initiatives;
  • Close cooperation with the head of the project and the science communication coordinator of MECAM, incl. replacement tasks, as well as with the MECAM team members in Tunis, Marburg, Hamburg and Leipzig.

A university degree (Master or comparable degree) in the humanities and social sciences or an information science discipline with a focus on digital humanities, an interest in RDM related questions, as well as methods and concepts of the digital humanities, relevant IT skills, interest in transregional issues, stylistic confidence in interdisciplinary, transregional research contexts, an independent and team-oriented way of working and very good English and/or German language skills are required. Knowledge of Arabic and/or French, regional expertise regarding the Maghreb and neighboring regions and experience with the functioning of academic institutions are welcome. A publication record in the field of digital humanities and knowledge of a script language are an advantage.

We offer an interesting workplace in a young and international research institution, the possibility of alternating mobile working and a pleasant working atmosphere. Our institution aims to reflect society in its entirety. Therefore, we invite applications from people regardless of their gender, cultural and social back-ground, age, religion, worldviews, disabilities or sexual identity.

Please send your application documents (a letter of motivation; a Curriculum Vitae (incl. list of publications if applicable); certificates) exclusively by e-mail and in one PDF document to bewerbung(at)trafo-berlin.de. Contact person is Georges Khalil, Managing Director. The deadline for applications is 2 June 2024.

Call for Applications (PDF)

MECAM : Programme Manager position for MECAM – Scientific communication (French/Arabic/English)
& management of academic events

Description of the mission:

For a 75% full-time position, one-year contract with a six-month trial period from 15.05.2024.

The Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) is an interdisciplinary research centre based in Tunis. MECAM promotes the internationalisation of research and academic exchange in the humanities and social sciences between Germany and the Maghreb countries. MECAM is a joint project of a consortium of renowned Tunisian and German research institutions. MECAM is also funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Philipps-Universität Marburg, founded in 1527, offers excellent teaching in 16 fields of study to around 23,500 students. Research at the university focuses on future-oriented topics of great relevance to society. As the internationally active Philipps-Universität Marburg, it seeks to strengthen and promote international connectivity, in order to enhance the quality of research and teaching, promote the international employability of graduates and strengthen the university’s national competitiveness.

About the job offer :

  • Ensure effective coordination between the project partners on administrative and financial matters, in close cooperation/coordination with the academic coordinator.
  • Organise and ensure the preparation / implementation / follow-up of academic events
  • Preparing and supporting meetings of the Executive Board and the International Scientific Council
  • Set up a communications and public relations network in Tunisia
  • Editorial management of public relations, events and publications, in particular the MECAM Newsletter and the annual Fellows brochure in English, Arabic and French.

Skills and qualifications required:

  •  Compulsory skills and qualifications
    • University degree: Master’s or higher (preferably in social sciences and humanities)
    • Professional experience of at least 3 years
    • Very good knowledge of Arabic, French and English (minimum B2)
  • Skills and qualifications required
    • Relevant experience in project management, event organisation and public relations.
    • Experience of working with international organisations and partners
    • Experience in editing journalistic or scientific publications
    • Excellent analytical and communication skills, independence, flexibility and team spirit.
    • Good computer and office skills (Word, PowerPoint, Excel).
    • The position is paid in accordance with the salary scale of the Goethe-Institut in Tunisia. The position is for one year, with the option of an extension.

Please send your application – covering letter, CV, proof of training and employment – by 01.05.2024 by e-mail only to the MECAM academic coordinator, Mr Dr. Julius Dihstelhoff : mecam-office@uni-marburg.de

=> If your application is accepted, interviews will be held in English.

Vacancies and call for applications 

MECAM: Science and Project Management Officer to be filled at the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS)_Science and Project Management Officer

Description : The Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (Centrum für Nah- und Mitteloststudien), Department of Near and Middle East Policy, is offering, subject to funding, a part-time position (50% of regular working time) financed by third-party funds, to be filled as soon as possible, as:

How to apply:: For more information: Click here

MECAM :Position to be filled at the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS)_Student Assistant 

Description :At the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS), Department of Near and Middle East Policy, third-party funded Student Assistant position are to be filled as soon as possible, for a limited period of time until 31.03.2024 with the possibility of extension, at 32 h/month.

 How to apply::

For more information: Click here

Click here to download the document Click here 

MECAM : Position to be filled at the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS)_Student Assistant social media

Description : At the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS), Department of Near and Middle East Policy,  third-party funded Student Assistant position (social media) are to be filled as soon as possible, for a limited period of time until 31.03.2024 with the possibility of extension, at 40 h/month.

How to apply:

For more information : Click here 

Click here to download the document Click here 

Call for Fellows: Extractivism.de May-August 2023

Mission Description:

Extractivism.de is accepting applications for short-term residency grants for highly qualified researchers. The fellowships are funded for one to three months in Marburg and/or Kassel from May to August 2023. Applicants are expected to contribute to theory building and develop new approaches to the conceptualization and broader investigation of extractivism and cash crop societies, with an empirical focus on Latin America and/or North Africa and the Middle East.
Extractivism.de is a collaborative research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project is based at the University of Kassel and Philipps University Marburg, and its main objective is to research natural resource extractivism in Latin America and the Maghreb. For more information: Click here 

How to apply:

Download the application form

Interested candidates are requested to send their applications Call for Fellows (francias)

Application :

The following documents are required in English, French or Spanish::

  • The application form,
  • A cover letter stating why the proposed project is a good fit and what your expectations are,
  • A short CV (max. five pages), including a list of publications related to the project,
  • A copy of the doctoral certificate,
  • A research proposal including a research agenda, work plan and expected outcomes (2500 words maximum).
  • Applications should be sent electronically in a single PDF to fellows@extractivism.de.

Important dates:

  • Opening of the call: 22.12.2022
  • Deadline for applications: 15.02.2023
  • Expected results of the selection: 10.03.2023
  • Earliest start of the grant: 01.05.2023