Séminaire doctoral annuel d’une durée allons de trois à cinq jours pour les doctorants du Maghreb et d’Allemagne en étroite collaboration entre MARA (Marburg Research Academy/Philipps University Marburg), l’École doctorale (Université de Tunis). Deux évènements par année ( une à Tunis et une en Algiers). Le Laboratoire “Religion et Société” (Université Alger 2/Algérie), le DAAD et la Fondation Konrad Adenauer. L’école doctorale a pour but d’identifier les futurs boursiers potentiels de MECAM.
Doctoriales ISGT-ESSECT-TBS 2023
The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) is pleased to invite you to the 3rd edition of the Doctoriales ISGT-ESSECT-TBS 2023 18 and 19 January 2024 at the Tunis Business School, in which MECAM will participate as a partner, on the theme of “The innovations brought by the Artificial Intelligence revolution to scientific research in theoretical, methodological and empirical terms”. These days will be animated by doctoral workshops aimed at providing doctoral students with tools to help them “Succeed better in their thesis thanks to artificially intelligent methodological approaches”.
The specific themes addressed during these days will be related to
– Repositioning scientific research in the face of the adoption of new epistemological and scientific paradigms incorporating technological advances in Artificial Intelligence;
– The extent of the use of new tools and methods offered by Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of scientific research, in particular, in terms of artificially intelligent bibliographic tools or in terms of analysis tools based on “Machine Learning” and “Deep Learning”; and
– ways of communicating and disseminating research work.