The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) announces nine fellowships for postdoctoral and advanced researchers in the humanities and social sciences humanities and social sciences for the period September 2024 to April 2025. Under the guiding theme “Imagining the Future: Dealing with Disparity”, MECAM is focusing on a research program comprising five “interdisciplinary Interdisciplinary Research Fields” (IRFs): Aesthetics and Cultural Practices, Inequalities and Mobility, Memory and Justice, Resources and Sustainability, and Identities and Beliefs. Applications must relate to at least one of the interdisciplinary research fields.


Dr. Sanabel Abdelrahman

( 2023- 2024: Europe in the Middle East, Middle East in Europe (EUME) at the Forum Transregionale Studien / Germany)

The Futures of Postcolonial Hauntologies: A Case for the Maghreb


Dr. Riadh Ben Khalifa

( University of Tunis / Tunisia)

Crises and Transnational Migration in Tunisia (2011-2024) : Discourses and Practices of Hospitality/Rejection of Immigrants


Dr. Najla Mosbahi

( The Military Academy / Tunisia )

The Linguistic Construction of Gender Disparity in the Tunisian TV show « Fekret Sami Fehri » on Elhiwar Ettounsi through the Lens of MECAM’s Guiding Theme « Imagining Futures : Dealing with Disparity »


Dr. Bellal Samir

( Faculté des sciences économiques, université Moulod Mammeri / Algeria )

The project, Rent and institutional change in Algeria


Hala ben Mbarek

( University of Tunis/ Tunisia )

Judeo-Arab cultural heritage in Tunisia: A damaged identity andthreatened linguistic diversity (1850-1950)


Dr. Mohamed Ismail Sabry

(International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam/ …. )

The EU Green Deal, State-Society Relations and the Green Transition in North Africa: Prospects of Success or Failure


Dr. Muriam Davis

( University of California, Santa Cruz – United States )

The project, Decolonizing Sociology: State-Building and Knowledge Production in the Maghreb


Dr. Fabrizio Leonardo Cuccu

( Dublin City University/ Ireland )

Navigating Inequalities: Locating Agency in the Margins and International Aid


Dr. Nessrine Abbassi

( Faculty of Economics and Management , the University of Sfax- FSEG/ Tunisia )

Regional disparities and inclusive territorial development in Tunisia: The South-East region.


Dr .Thomas Serres

( UC Santa Cruz, USA )

The political activities of dual citizens in the Western Mediterranean, with a focus on Tunisia, Algeria and France


Dr. Faouzia Zeraoulia

( University of Jijel, Algeria )

MECAM fellowship funded by The Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA


Dr. Imad Alsoos

( Alumni MECAM Fellow 2023 /2024 / Germany )

Genealogies of Muslim Thought in Mashreq and Maghreb: The Case of Ennahda’s Muslim Democracy


Dr .Thomas Serres

( UC Santa Cruz, USA )

The political activities of dual citizens in the Western Mediterranean, with a focus on Tunisia, Algeria and France

Please find all fellows of one academic year in our brochure « Program and All Fellows » that you can download here.
