Le Centre Merian pour les études avancées au Maghreb (MECAM) annonce neuf bourses pour des chercheurs postdoctoraux et avancés en sciences humaines et sociales sciences humaines et sociales pour la période de septembre 2024 à avril 2025. Sous le thème directeur “Imaginer l’avenir : Dealing with Disparity”, MECAM se concentre sur un programme de recherche comprenant cinq “champs de recherche interdisciplinaires” (IRF) : Esthétique et pratiques culturelles, Inégalités et mobilité, Mémoire et justice, Ressources et durabilité, et Identités et croyances. Les candidatures doivent se rapporter à au moins un des champs de recherche interdisciplinaires.

Dr. Sanabel Abdelrahman
( 2023- 2024: Europe in the Middle East, Middle East in Europe (EUME) at the Forum Transregionale Studien / Germany)
The Futures of Postcolonial Hauntologies: A Case for the Maghreb

Dr. Riadh Ben Khalifa
( University of Tunis / Tunisia)
Crises and Transnational Migration in Tunisia (2011-2024) : Discourses and Practices of Hospitality/Rejection of Immigrants

Dr. Najla Mosbahi
( The Military Academy / Tunisia )
The Linguistic Construction of Gender Disparity in the Tunisian TV show « Fekret Sami Fehri » on Elhiwar Ettounsi through the Lens of MECAM’s Guiding Theme « Imagining Futures : Dealing with Disparity »

Dr. Bellal Samir
( Faculté des sciences économiques, université Moulod Mammeri / Algeria )
The project, Rent and institutional change in Algeria

Hala ben Mbarek
( University of Tunis/ Tunisia )
Judeo-Arab cultural heritage in Tunisia: A damaged identity andthreatened linguistic diversity (1850-1950)

Dr. Mohamed Ismail Sabry
(International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University Rotterdam/ …. )
The EU Green Deal, State-Society Relations and the Green Transition in North Africa: Prospects of Success or Failure

Dr. Muriam Davis
( University of California, Santa Cruz – United States )
The project, Decolonizing Sociology: State-Building and Knowledge Production in the Maghreb

Dr. Fabrizio Leonardo Cuccu
( Dublin City University/ Ireland )
Navigating Inequalities: Locating Agency in the Margins and International Aid

Dr. Nessrine Abbassi
( Faculty of Economics and Management , the University of Sfax- FSEG/ Tunisia )
Regional disparities and inclusive territorial development in Tunisia: The South-East region.

Dr .Thomas Serres
( UC Santa Cruz, USA )
The political activities of dual citizens in the Western Mediterranean, with a focus on Tunisia, Algeria and France

Dr. Faouzia Zeraoulia
( University of Jijel, Algeria )
Academic community and Peacebuling Processe in the Conflict Zones: The Role of Scholors in Libya, Sudan, and Palestine

Dr. Imad Alsoos
( Alumni MECAM Fellow 2023 /2024 / Germany )
Genealogies of Muslim Thought in Mashreq and Maghreb: The Case of Ennahda’s Muslim Democracy

Dr. Khadidja Boussaïd
( University of Algiers 2 & Research Center for Applied Economics for Development CREAD / Algeria )
Reading Public Space through Masculinities in a Maghrebian Context
Vous trouverez tous les boursiers d’une année académique dans notre brochure ” Programme et tous les boursiers ” que vous pouvez télécharger ici.