MECAM Spectrum: MECAM’s Event Week N°2 « Imagining Future »

The Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) is pleased to invite you to its event-week dealing with the theme “Imagining Future” which was jointly organized by its fellows, from April 15 to 18, 2024 in Tunis.

This MECAM Spectrum event serves as a platform to promote exchange of knowledge and academic production of models about how to imagine the future. This vein of thinking makes it possible to anticipate the challenges that the Maghreb region could face but also to identify emerging opportunities and development levels for the region. Imagining the future encourages innovation by proposing alternative visions to regional challenges particularly, in areas such as education, health, energy, and even governance.

This Event Week thus aims to provide researchers with a space to analyze theoretical and practical approaches for the development of prospective scenarios and plans likely to strengthen the resilience of the Maghreb region in the face of shocks and unforeseen changes. By looking at these dimensions, researchers can look into future policy perspectives that are more inclusive of different stakeholders.


Details :
Date: From 15  to 18  April 2024 in Tunis
Venue:  MECAM, c/o ISEAHT, 27, rue Florian – Borj Zouara (Bab Saadoun), Tunis
Download the programme and the abstract: Link


Apr. 15 - 18 2024


8h00 - 18h00

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