Rencontre Ibn Khaldun: Keynote series “Perspectives on the Mediterranean”, 5–7 November

As part of the International Conference “A Decolonial Mediterranean? Disparities, Imaginations, Power Relations,” held from November 5–7 in Tunis, MECAM is delighted to announce a series of keynotes by three distinguished scholars. The Rencontre Ibn Khaldun, titled “Perspectives on the Mediterranean,” will feature diverse approaches, viewpoints, and ample time for discussion. In three keynotes, speakers will explore the potential for decolonizing (writings about) cities, solidarity and revolutionary movements across the Mediterranean and Black Sea, as well as historical perspectives on (de)colonizing the French Mediterranean.

  • 5 November 2024, at 3.30 PM: Mohamed Jerbi, Sfax
    Décolonisation des villes et des écrits sur les villes en Méditerranée méridionale : Comment intégrer le passé impensé / oublié ?
    Moderated by Riadh Ben Khalifa
  • 6 November 2024, at 4 PM: Rim Naguib, Berlin
    Solidarity against Empire: Revolutionary Paths and Ties across the Mediterranean and Black Sea
    Moderated by Esther Möller
  • 7 November 2024, at 3.15 PM: Manuel Borutta, Konstanz
    (De)colonizing the French Mediterranean: Algeria, Corsica and Occitania, 1768-1976
    Moderated by Rachid Ouaissa

Welcoming words by Clara-Auguste Süß (MECAM Outreach & Transfer Manager)

Details :  

Date: November 5 to 7, 2024

Location: This event will take place on the 3rd floor of the Carlton Hotel in Tunis *Salle Tulipes* (Address: 31 Av. Habib Bourguiba, Tunis 1000) and not at the National Library.


Nov. 05 - 07 2024


8h00 - 18h00

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