Le centre / À propos MECAM / Bureau de coordination
Imene Khefacha
Imène TRABELSI KHEFACHA hase been received her Master’s degree in Accounting Sciences from the Institut Supérieur de Comptabilité et d’Administration des Entreprises de Mannouba in 2000. She was in charge of auditing, verification of accounts and legal expertise at the Société d’Audit et de Révision de Comptes de Tunis (2002-2004). Since 2006, she has been in charge of higher education, where she has contributed to the preparation and planning of syllabuses for accounting, control and auditing courses at bachelor’s and master’s levels. Her research interest focuses on the content and consequences of voluntary non-financial corporate reporting. In 2017, she defended her thesis in Accounting Management (ISG-University of Tunis) on the topic of managing textual impressions in R&D press releases from biopharmaceutical entities. She is currently interested in intelligent parenting and logotherapy techniques. She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institut Supérieur de Gestion-Université de Tunis, where she prepares tutorials in research methodologies and the writing and presentation of research papers.

Bureau de coordination
MECAM richtete ein Koordinationsbüro mit Sitz in Tunis ein. Das Büro bietet operative Unterstützung in vier miteinander verbundenen Arbeitsbereichen, nämlich Management, Infrastruktur und Verwaltung, Netzwerk und Kommunikation sowie akademische Aktivitäten. Es besteht aus einem akademischen Koordinator, einem Programmmanager, einem Office Manager, einem Projektkoordinator und einer studentischen Mitarbeiterin.