The Merian Centres, including MECAM (Tunisia), CALAS (Mexico), ICAS:MP (India), MECILA (Brazil), and MIASA (Ghana), are collaborating on a podcast series titled “Beyond Boundaries: Exploring Inequality and Freedom in the Global South” for the “Deutsches Wissenschaftsjahr 2024”. This series aims to dissect the entangled relationship between inequality and freedom, particularly focusing on different Global South’s landscapes. The series will delve into various dimensions of inequality, such as economic disparities, access to education and healthcare, political participation, and human rights, with a spotlight on historical legacies like colonization and global power imbalances. Despite these challenges, the podcasts will also showcase grassroots movements and local initiatives striving for inclusive governance and sustainable practices.
The short title “Beyond Boundaries” underscores the series’ mission of fostering cross-border dialogue, innovative thinking, collaboration, and personal growth among researchers. It seeks to challenge traditional epistemologies and promote international approaches to understanding and addressing inequality and freedom. The podcasts aim to reach a broad audience, including academia, policymakers, and the general public, both within and beyond the Merian Centres’ networks. Leveraging the advantages of podcasts, such as accessibility, flexibility, and interactivity, the series seeks to facilitate knowledge dissemination, cross-cultural exchange, and collaborative learning on a global scale.

Dans cet épisode, Pr. Mamadou Diawara (Directeur de MIASA, Allemagne) et Vanessa Barish (MECAM) s’ entretiennent avec Dr.Abdourahamane Seck. Dr. Seck propose une analyse captivante de la mémographie, une approche qui place l’ Afrique au centre de la production de savoirs. Il explore comment les connaissances sont générées, partagées et contestées dans les contextes africains, offrant de nouvelles perspectives sur les discussions plus larges autour des inégalités et de la liberté.

L’invité de cette épisode :
Dr. Abdourahamane Seck de l’ Université Gaston Berger au Sénégal est un éminent chercheur ayant une formation multidisciplinaire en philosophie, anthropologie et histoire africaine moderne et contemporaine. Dr. Seck a été boursier au MIASA de septembre à décembre 2023. Il est l’ auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur l’ Islam, les migrations sud-sud, la question de l’en-commun en Afrique.
