Project: Academic community and Peacebuling Processe in the Conflict Zones: The Role of Scholors in Libya, Sudan, and Palestine
Dr. Faouzia Zeraoulia
( University of Jijel / Algeria)
Dr. Faouzia Zeraoulia is an Associate Professor and a researcher at the Department of Political Science, University of Jijel, Algeria. She is a scholar with a broad and deep interest in conflict studies, peacebuilding, and female empowerment in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA). She is also a member of Arba-German Young Academy of Science and Humanities (AGYA). As a part of her research projects, she worked as an associate researcher with different research institutes including: The Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies (CNMS) Marburg, Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies in Italy, Research Fellow at German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin, and Sciences Po Bordeaux in France.

Project IFG III: Memory and Justice
In the complex landscape of conflict resolution and peacebuilding, academia stands as a crucial junction where theoretical frameworks meet practical interventions. This project is driven by the goal of uncovering nuanced insights that can inform effective peacebuilding strategies by delving into the multifaceted contributions of scholars in conflict and post-conflict settings. It acknowledges universities and academic institutions as not only repositories of knowledge but also as dynamic spaces fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and critical discourse. By amplifying the voices of victims and marginalized communities, academics play a pivotal role in challenging prevailing power structures and advocating for sustainable peace. The project examines ‘Academic community and peacebuilding process in the conflict zones: What is the role of scholars in Libya, Sudan, and Palestine’. The main key themes that will be addressed are: identifying challenges and risks faced by scholars, examining their involvement in peacebuilding, exploring ways to enhance their role, and assessing Germany’s support for academic peacebuilding initiatives.