Fellows der IFG IV Resources and Sustainability

Lisa M. Sarida Lippert
(Doktorandin, Universität Hamburg / Deutschland)
Doing Peace in Drylands

Alexander Peter, Martin
(Assistenzprofessor, South Mediterranean University/ Tunesien)
From Oil Town to Solar Town: A Just Transition for Tataouine

Nadia, Mansour
(Seniordozentin, Université de Sousse / Tunesien; Gastwissenschaftlerin, Universidad de Salamanca / Spanien)
Towards Sustainable Banking in the Maghreb Countries

Mohamed Ismail, Sabry
(Lektor, Hochschule Fresenius und Hochschule Bremen / Deutschland)
State-Society Relations and Growth Paths in North Africa

Andreas, Thiel
(Professor, Universität Kassel / Deutschland)
Change, transition and performance of Tunisian agro-environmental governance: a polycentric perspective
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